All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 in total
The Women (1 Timothy 3:11)
Who are “the women” in 1 Timothy 3:11?

The Role and Function of Deacons (Acts 6 & 1 Timothy 3)
This lesson examines the Scriptures that describe the role and function of deacons in the New Testament church.

Motivation For Elders (1 Peter 5:1-5)
1 Peter 5 provides great exhortation and encouragement to elders to “shepherd the flock…with eagerness…being examples to the flock” with the hope of great reward from ...

Honoring Elders (1 Timothy 5:17-25)
This passage has much to say concerning the way in which the local church is to relate to her elders.

Qualifications of Elders in Titus (Titus 1)
In this lesson, we review the qualifications for elders in Titus 1 and treat the subject of the process of examination, testing, and qualification of elders.

Qualifications of Elders in 1 Timothy - Part 4 (1 Timothy 3)
The list of qualifications in 1 Timothy 3 continues with “not pugnacious,” “considerate,” “peaceable,” “free from the love of money,” “leading his own household well, ...

Qualifications of Elders in 1 Timothy - Part 3 (1 Timothy 3)
Examination of the Biblical qualifications of elders continues with “temperate,” “sensible,” “respectable,” “hospitable,” “able to teach,” and “not addicted to wine.”

Qualifications of Elders in 1 Timothy - Part 2 (1 Timothy 3)
Of all the specific topics around eldership discussed in scripture, the Spirit gives the vast majority of His attention to the issue of qualification.

Qualifications of Elders in 1 Timothy – Part 1 (1 Timothy 3)
In this lesson, we begin a detailed survey of the qualifications for elders, first from 1 Timothy 3. What does it mean to aspire to and desire the work and office of a...

Eldership in the General Epistles (Galatians 6, 1 Thessalonians 5, Philippians 1)
Why is there so little written to (and about) elders in the general epistles? How should believers relate to their elders?

Eldership In Acts – Part 3 (Acts 20)
Continuing in Paul’s address to the Ephesian elders, this lesson focuses on the work of the elder, those specific activities in which the elder is to toil for the sake...

Eldership In Acts – Part 2 (Acts 15&20)
We see in the events around the Jerusalem council in Acts 15 the role of elders in combating false teaching and how elders approach the clarification of an important d...

Eldership In Acts – Part 1 (Acts 11&14)
Eldership in Acts, Part 1 (Acts 11 and 14): The book of Acts provides significant teaching regarding the role, organization, appointment, roles, methodology, and accou...

Honorifics and Biblical Eldership (Selected Scriptures)
Honorifics and Biblical Eldership: Should you refer to an elder as Pastor Jim or Reverend Cornel? What is the Biblical evidence for honorifics, and what does that tell...

Introduction to Biblical Eldership (Selected Scriptures)
Introduction to Biblical Eldership: Alignment to a Biblical model of church leadership is essential to the proper function of the local, visible expression of the body...